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Do Not Despise Prophecy: New Testament Prophecy 4 - Summary

December 27, 2015 Speaker: Chris Greer Series: 1 Thessalonians

Topic: Sermons Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:19–22

Five summary points for what prophecy is in the New Covenant era:
1. Prophecy continues today as a viable tool for building up the church. It did not cease with the apostolic era.
2. Prophecy is by nature spontaneous or unplanned revelation from God, distinguishing it from preaching and teaching.
3. Prophecy's purpose is to warn, console, exhort, encourage, or convict of sin.
4. All members of the New Covenant community should desire to prophecy and all may be given the gift of prophecy if the Spirit wills.
5. The congregation is to test every alleged prophecy by the word of God.