Piedmont Women's Center is a trusted provider of reproductive health care serving the Upstate of South Carolina and surrounding areas. Their involvement with professional community partners enables Piedmont Women's Center to provide free laboratory-quality pregnancy testing, free pregnancy consultations, and free limited OB ultrasounds at four locations in the Upstate region.
Several of our members currently volunteer at the Piedmont Women's Center (PWC) Grove Road clinic as counselors for women seeking information and advice about their pregnancy and their options.
Piedmont Women's Center Needs
These supplies will be used in the regular day to day operations of Piedmont Women's Center and allows them to spend most of their donated funds on meeting medical needs for women.
- Copy Paper
- Blank cards
- Batteries (AA & AAA)
- Trash Bags (kitchen & medium)
- Bottled Water
- Manila File Folders
- Snacks
- Plastic Utensils
- Paper Plates
- Liquid Hand Soap
- Dish Soap
- Lysol Disinfectant spray
- Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner
- Lysol Disinfectant wipes
- Febreze air freshener
- Black sharpies
- Blue Highlighters
- Post-Its
- 1" 3 Ring Binders (for Abortion Recovery Bible Study)
- Chocolates (For Abortion Recovery Bible Study)
Any of these items can be brought to the church and will be delivered to Piedmont Women's Center on a weekly basis.