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Eternal Conscious Punishment, Part 3: Consequences of Sin

October 22, 2023 Speaker: Chris Greer Series: Statement of Faith

Topic: Sermons Passage: Mark 9:42–48, Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:29, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 18:8, Jude 1:5–7, 1 Corinthians 10:1–4

NCCF Statement of Faith 7. The consequences of sin, both inherited and actual, are separation from God in spiritual death. complete disinheritance as children of God, subjection to all the miseries of this life, physical death and eternal conscious punishment of both soul and body in the lake of fire in the age to come.

  1. We must understand that hell is a real place in God’s universe. Any earthly punishment for criminals, ie prison, comes from our God-given sense of Justice.

  2. For those of us in Jesus Christ we cannot overstate how amazing our salvation is because we are just as guilty as all those consigned to hell.