The Resurrection: The Lynchpin of Eternity
April 16, 2017 Speaker: Chris Greer Series: Miscellaneous
Topic: Sermons Passage: Psalm 2:1–12, Mark 8:31–33, Mark 9:9–10, Luke 24:15–27, Acts 2:14–36, Acts 13:26–39
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The disciples did not understand that Jesus had to suffer and die, even though he told them multiple times. They did not understand that the Messiah had to be a suffering servant in order to atone for sin because they did not realize that sin within them was their biggest enemy! Sin was the biggest obstacle to God's kingdom coming and reigning, not Rome, not external circumstances or people. Our problem is within ourselves!
And once his disciples saw Jesus resurrected, they transformed from cowards full of fear into witnesses bold as lions, all because they knew Jesus was alive in power. We too should be bold, assured by the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, to witness to the world of his gospel and the kingdom of God.
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