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Christmas Celebration 2023 (Kid's Choir Songs)

Kids Choir Songs (audio)

K3 - 1st Grade:  Away in a Manger (see lyrics below)

2nd - 5th Grade: Come Adore the Humble King (see lyrics below)


Away in a Manger (lyrics)

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus, laid down His sweet head

The stars in the sky, looked down where He lay

The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay


The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes

The dawn of salvation, beginning to break

I love Thee, Lord Jesus, oh, gift from above

The King of the Heavens, forever with us!


I worship You, Jesus, for all of my days!

The highest of praises be unto Your name!

My God and my Savior!

My King and my Friend!

Yours is the glory, forever, Amen!

Yours is the glory, forever, Amen!


Come Adore the Humble King (lyrics)

Come adore the humble King
Lowly in the manger
Fall before His majesty
Hail the little Savior
Hope, what hope no tongue could tell
God has come with us to dwell
His name is Emmanuel
O praise the humble King

Come adore in humble state
He the song of angels
Join the wise who call His name
And with all creation
Who, oh, who would condescend
God unknown now calls us friend
Love that none could comprehend
O praise the humble King

Come adore the King who came
To our world to save us
Born to heal our prideful race
Crowns us with forgiveness
Fall, oh, fall before the One
Who in mercy left His throne
Christ the Lord, God's only Son
His glories now we sing
O praise the humble King