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The Vanity of Self-Sufficiency

February 3, 2019 Speaker: Ben Hannon Series: The Psalms

Topic: Sermons Passage: Psalm 127:1–5

The Psalm can be broken into 4 parts:
v1a Productivity
v1b Security
v2 Industry
v3-5 Progeny

God’s sovereignty extends to the smallest details of our lives. Contrast the building of the Tower of Babel to the construction of the tabernacle, how God foiled the wicked attempt at building up to heaven versus his spirit giving desire and skill to those who created the artwork and structure of His holy place.

God expects us to have a Godward perspective in all things.
-Acknowledging God
-Doing all that we do in God’s strength
-With thanksgiving
-In submission to God’s hidden will

How can we test our self-sufficiency vs reliance upon God? Examine your prayer life; if you rely upon God, you will be often in prayer.