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New to New Covenant

Are you new here? Find out more about who we are and what we believe. "Historic Christianity for the 21st Century" and "Jesus Christ. Brotherhood. Truth" are our mottos, but they have real purpose and meaning among our body of believers. 

Jesus Christ. Brotherhood. Truth.

Jesus Christ
God the Son. Foretold Messiah. Light and Life of humanity. Lamb of God. Savior of the world. Lord of all creation. Head of His body, the church. He is central to our faith, foundational to our hope, core to everything we are and do. To live is Christ!

Remember Jesus Christ (01)

Remember Jesus Christ (02)

We are in union with Christ together through the Holy Spirit. We share one God and Father. Our goal is to express this mutual identity through deep, purposeful and vibrant friendship with one another at every level.

Pathways of Peace: Seek after everyone's good

Pathways of Peace: Love covers a multitude of sins

Friendship: The Essence of Body Life

Jesus and the New Testament writers continually advocate for the value and centrality of “truth”. Sound doctrine (literally, “healthful teaching”) is foundational to collective peace and unity as well as to personal stability and thriving as believers. Jesus is the truth! God’s inerrant word is the truth!

True Christians Know & Love the Truth (01)

True Christians Know & Love the Truth (02)

Historic Christianity for the 21st Century

Some folks emphasize the need to remain consistent with the great historic orthodox creeds, catechisms, and confessions of the church. Some folks highlight the need to be relevant to the current culture among whom we proclaim the gospel. We seek to maintain both: a faithful presentation of God's timeless truth in a way that can be understood and assimilated by a post-modern and post-Christian generation. 


Sunday Schedule

10:00 am  Adult Sunday School*

11:00 am  Main Service**

12:45 pm  Sunday Lunch Fellowship

5th Sun.    The Lord's Supper

*Kids & Youth Sunday School & Nursery available at this time.
**Kid's Corner & Nursery available during this time.

What Do I Wear?
Wear what you are most comfortable in whether it be dressy or casual.

Our Leadership

What we believe