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5th Sunday Pot Luck Sign Ups


With our good ole' Southern Potluck coming up we have several categories of food we would like brothers to donate. 

1. Entrees

2. Side Dishes

3. Desert

4. Drink

Each family should choose two to bring. (As a rule of thumb, you should bring enough for your family, plus a little extra). 

You cannot cook at the church, but you CAN heat food up there. 

Email Whitfield or Amy Parham at for more specific questions. 

Use the comments section below to indicate what each family will be bringing. 

See you on Sunday. 


1. Sweet Potato Casserole
2. Drinks

publix fried chicken, sweet tea

Changing mine too...
pimento cheese sandwiches
chicken salad croissants
oatmeal chocolate cookies
sweet tea

One entree: pork shoulder
One side dish: potatoes
Fruit: watermelon

I'm changing mine to lentil soup and bread.

We will bring a pasta salad and key lime pie:)

Sonoma chicken salad and rolls to go with (entree)

One big ol' bag of kettle chips (side)

Double entrée: Meatballs in Cream Sauce

Chicken pot pie
chocolate oatmeal cookies
sweet tea

Tabbouleh (side)
Apple pie (entree)... :)

The Parhams are bringing crockpot curry chicken (entree) and caffeine-free tea (drink).

I'll bring a shepherd's pie. It's a paleo recipe.

Two sides: edamame and fruit salad
Dessert: caramel brownies

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